Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Omitting Facts Does Not Make A Truth

The following is my response in the daily news to another Democrat giving Bill Clinton credit for the great economy during his administration. What follows is another democrat commenting on my thoughts about Bill Clinton and comparing my beliefs about George Bush and the war to the Germans that believed in Hitler. It's a great example of the lunacy that cultivates their minds. Note how he even goes as far to blame george Bush for the trisection of Iraq which has been the structure of Iraq for 2000 years.

He doesn't even know that I'm not a republican nor do I think George Bush is God. I believe Bush has failed us on many levels but the war in Iraq has been an unfortunately a necessary one. It would be great if America could just pull out all of it's troops from around the world and let the evil and insane take over but it is a fact, we are the only country that takes on the responsibility of protecting ourselves and others from tyrany. If not for America, I would hate to see what would happen to the world. It took the U.S. to get involved in WW2 to end the war and it's going to take the U.S. to end terrorism. No one else seems to care or has the balls to do so. Thank God we don't listen to what the rest of the world thinks, if we did their would be no Jews at all.

Bill's economy

Re "Hillary" (Your Opinions, Feb. 8):

If I have to hear one more time how Bill Clinton's leadership was responsible for the budget surplus of his administration I'm going to cry. No one seems to notice the fact that the boom happened during the same time, bringing billions of dollars to people who could work with small Internet businesses, boosting the American economy from its stagnation.

It was not "Wild Bill" who accomplished this no more than it was Al Gore who invented the Internet. It was "Wild Bill" who was responsible for 12 deadly attacks on U.S. interests because of his complacency and nonreactive leadership. Say what you will about George Bush, but you can't deny that there have been no attacks on U.S. soil since 9-11.

Still Bill

Re Bill's economy" (Your Opinions, Feb. 14):

Today's "Highlights in History" details the day five years ago when the world rebuffed George W. Bush for not giving the United Nations weapons inspectors more time to find any WMD in Iraq. U.N. inspector Hans Blix could find nothing, despite Saddam Hussein's even opening his palaces to inspections.

So here we are today, with thousands of dead, Iraq ethnically cleansed and trisected, our nation diminished and our economy in turmoil, and Laurien DuTremble of Northridge is still singing the praises of George Bush and railing about Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I have often wondered why many Germans in the spring of 1945 continued to believe in Adolph Hitler. DuTremble offers a clue. a county that has been trisected for 2000 years.

This is in response to the idiotic comparison of George Bush and Adolph Hitler by Chuck Heinold

Once again a liberal democrat proves how void of fact they actually are. You will one day learn that omitting fact will not prove your point. It seems as many times that I've heard this stupid rant of "No Weapon's Of Mass Destruction" I have to respond with the following...

1. George Bush is not the only one that agreed Sadam had weapons of mass destruction and to think he would store them in his Palace is idiotic of you but nice of sadam to offer. Even your beloved Bill Clinton admitted that Sadam had weapons of mass destruction and we had intelligence reports by other countries that agreed.

2. Sadam played games with the inspection teams for months giving plenty of time for them to be transfered to Syria. To think hans Blix and a small team of researchers could even find cases filled with chemical weapons given the vast desert surrounding Bagdad is a joke. A briefcase full of
anthrax smuggled into the U.S.across our open borders would bring more mass destruction then anyone has witnessed in this country.

3. Weapons of mass destruction can be contained in something as small as a test tube, they didn't have to be stored in massive warehouses that could be easily found. Apparently you have no military history or you would know this.

4. You also are not aware of the U.N.'s mission after WW2 to stand against ethnic cleansing. Sadam poisoned (with weapon's of mass destruction) 200,000 kurds (Ethnic Cleansing) but yet you blame the U.S. and George Bush for this? The U.N. stood by and did nothing for years. The only ethnic cleansing going on in Iraq now is by various tribes against each other and I'm sorry to disappoint you, George bush is not over there leading them on.

My railing on Al Gore and Bill Clinton is fact though you Democrats love to avoid this nature of the conversation to make your point.

Adolph Hitler? Please! Read a book or two before you embarrass yourself to this degree. The fact is Sadam Hussein himself, responsible for 200,000 deaths was a weapon of mass destruction. He should have been stopped long before George Bush got into office. If you don't think our pulling out of Iraq will cause equally as large a number of deaths in ethnic cleansing your head needs to be examined for
Chinese lead poisoning.

You also blame George Bush for trisecting a country that has been trisected for 2000 years. You blame George Bush for so much that it would take a magician to be able to accomplish all you have given him credit for single handedly.

As far as the economy goes... blame the internet. Just as it brought jobs in the 90's it's taking them away just as fast. Piracy of music and movies is costing billions in lost tax revenue. No more need for duplictors, replicators, film labs, printing and shipping costs are cut into fractions. Studios going out of business as well as video rental companies and music stores. The Loss in jobs is staggering.

Blame corporate greed and the banking system for the failure of economics in this country. $800.00 hotel rooms, $150.00 pills form your pharmacy, 30% interest rates on credit cards, fraudulent late charges on bills that are paid on time with $180.00 fees for a $600.00 bill. $500.00 electric bills. $200.00 an hour for plumbers. All of this is eating away at the economy and your retirements. Cheap products made in China made not to last is bilking billions out of your savings accounts.

100 million in bonus's to the 5 top corporate executives of the Mortgage Industry for bankrupting their businesses. I could go on but you probably would rather invison George Bush waving a magic wand and making all of this happen. Just as stupid to think that george Bush is doing all of this is thinking Hillary or Obama will change it all.

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