Doesn't seem to matter who wins anymore. If the Democrats win, they raise your taxes and
build bigger government that does nothing for you except take your money. If the Republican's win, they lower your taxes so you have more money to pay corporations so corporations can rasie your living expenses. Both pandering to an ever increasing population of illegal aliens who can't vote anyway. Hmmmm.
There you have it. Two choices. A big fat over stuffed Elephant and a Jack Ass. Have fun at the voting booths!
There is something fundamentally wrong with the election process when the entire process is determined by who can fling the most dirt on the other candidate. Amazingly, these candidates can survive months of campaigning with empty promises and no explanation of how their billion dollar programs will be paid for by a country that's 9 trillion in debt. The election process is an embarrassment. It's no wonder the world looks down on us.
It seems all that is needed are smiles and yes, tears, to get the nomination for the most
powerful position in the world. Is it any wonder our children are growing up with no respect for others when they see politicians lying about one another and using cheap tactics to get ahead? Great role models. A politicians survival guide for children. Great idea for a book!
Why can't they just stick to the issues that American's care so much about? Can't they just tell us how they intend to make change? The answer is simple enough. They can't because they know what ever it is they are promising is nothing but a lie. The direction of this country has already been decided. They can't stick to the issues because they don't really matter and that shows in the campaigns. They have to create the diversions because they have no answers. Hillary can't tell you how she will pay for free health care because there is no way to pay for it without raising your taxes to the point that you could just go out and get it yourself if you had the money. Free health care by raising taxes is not "Free".
In order for us to have a meaningful election we need to take the money out of the process. What ever happened to the $10,000.00 limits on political donations. Everyone knows that who ever donates large amounts of money to a candidate is buying favoritism for a specific need by that donator. No high IQ needed here folks.
Why are all the candidates multi-millionaires? Why do you need 100 million dollars to run for President? Heres an idea. What if the government gave each candidate the same amount of money to run for office. Lets just say an arbitrary figure of 30 million. No one allowed to take donations from any one cause. Each candidate would then be on a level playing field and each would have to show some kind of substance in order to get noticed and elected. Put them all in one house in a reality show and make them live together. We would really get to see what their personalities were like and be able to determine if they were right for the job.
Can you imagine seeing Hillary's temper flare or back when Bill was running, we could see him flirting with the house maid! Can you imagine them being given tasks to complete that would show their integrity and ability to figure out complex issues? They would have to out preform each other with ideas and answers in order to win the nomination. No controlled interviews with planted questions they already know will be asked. What a concept!
The fact is, we would see more of these people's characters and who they really are and we would find out more about them. Shouldn't we know more about the next Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces? Should they have military experience in order to make decisions about going to war? Hate Bush as much as you will but one thing you can't take from the guy is, we haven't been attacked in 7 years. How many times were we attacked in Bill Clinton's term both here and abroad? No one seems to connect that factor.
I'm not sticking up for Bush. God knows he is the Corporate Poster Child refusing to protect
the borders and allowing billions of dollars to disappear in Iraq and I mean by pallet loads.
Run away oil prices and giving the Banking Institutions free range to destroy the economy. I could go on and on but what's the point. weall know how screwed up the country is. The only thing he has to his credit, is that we have not been attacked. His plan to keep our enemy busy fighting in their own countries has worked but it has only delayed the inevitable. We will be attacked again and it will happen under a weaker administration.
Now let's take a look at the new candidates that matter in the upcoming election.
So far this is what we know.... In a nut shell. Good terminology here "Nut Shell".
Billary Clinton: Her Vision of America:
1. Wants to raise taxes and give you "free" health care. That doesn't sound free to me if she is raising your taxes to pay for it.
2. 1/2 of what is the most investigated political couple in history with multiple investigations and strange financial donations coming from China and wealthy dish washers in China Town that donated 10,000.00 each. No one can seem to find them though. If this woman doesn't make it to the White House, she sure as hell can make it in Vegas. I hear there is an opening since that guy with the white tigers got his head bit off. That can't be any worse than running for President and losing. Both will bring tears to your eyes...
3. A true Socialist in every sense of the word and we know what happens in socialistic countries don't we? Do you really want to live like that?
4. Supports redistribution of wealth. The fact is we have plenty of that being imposed by the banks on America's middle class already.
5. Knows how gullible the American public is and really knows when to cry.
6. Expert at throwing stones when living in a glass house.
7. Will be the first woman sitting at the desk in the Oval Office instead of knelling under it.
8. Offering the first, "First lady" that is a man, "Billy Boy". (A victory for the Transsexual community).
9. Where did the money come from to build Bill's Library? Saudia Arabia. Why isn't anyone allowed to view the files? It's the first library where White House records are kept from the public.
So why did they need to build it? Aren't Libraries built for reading?
Barack Obama: His Vision Of America:
1. Obama wants to sit down with Ahmadinejad and work things out...
Anyone see the word MAD in the middle of that name?
Maybe he should sit down with Charlie Manson to get a little experience at this before he embarrasses himself and the world.
2. Has traveled overseas and stuff like that. Gee, I guess I could run.
3. Never quite heard a more boring politician in my life even though he is lauded as an
incredible speaker. Sure don't take much to "Wow" people after George Bush's elegant deliveries.
4. The only change he would bring to the White House is the color of his skin. (Tammy Bruce) I Love this woman! Now this is a woman worthy of the Presidency!
5. Promises to change Washington but doesn't really know how.
6. Loves Opra.
McCain: His Vision of America:
1. Sponsored the McCain Feigold bill that would censure talk radio.
2. Wouldn't mind open borders.
3. Really represents the next corporate poster child.
4. Is this guy really a Republican?
5. Tortured MIA from the Vietnam War and still believes that if we use torture against our enenies, it will cause our enemies to torture us. Uh.... can you remember a war that American GI's weren't tortured in the last 100 years? He maybe to old to remember.
Looks like Billary Clinton scored more points. Obama comes in a close third and poor John McCain is headed for the glue factory. Hillary is the next President of The United States Of America! Congrats Hillary! Have a hanky and dry away those tears!
Of course once the candidates finish slamming each other as to how corrupt and incompetent they are and incapable of the Presidency, they will undoubtably select the runner up of their party as their running mate for Vice President. Does that strike anyone else as odd?
All joking aside, when all is said and done. It will probably be Mccain vs Obama. Eevn if it's Mccain vs Billary it will be a choice of voting for "the same old song and dance" or voting for "the same old song and dance" and will only differ in experience or the lack of to do the job. When your just a puppet I guess neither really matter.
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