The top CEO's of the mortgage banking industry walked away with severance packages of 100 million dollars each for bankrupting their companies and got a free pass. It robbed 260 billion dollars from peoples IRA's, Etc. Many are quick to blame those that took out the loans. My mortgage broker recently told me that they were trying to figure out the language in a mortgage agreement by a top lender (one who is now being sued) and it was so complex that they turned it over to an attorney and the attorney failed to understand it. How is some poor guy picking strawberries going to figure out the paper work when a lawyer can't ?
Stop blaming people for trying to live the American dream and put the blame where it belongs. These CEO's should be in jail not on a golf course. Not one Presidential candidate will speak of this because Corporate America owns them and runs this country. It's both Republicans and Democrats that are to blame. One is in the White House the other controls Congress. It's the corporations and the banking industry destroying your life and Washington sits back and does nothing.
What country throughout history did not protect it's borders at a time of war? It's so Corporate America can continue using slave labor in the guise of bringing you cheaper prices but have any of you paid attention to the rise in hotel fees? Rooms in NYC have gone from $300.00 a night to $800.00 a night. Hotels rely on illegal immigrants to clean the rooms, park your cars, do the maintenance and cook. Is this a sign that illegal labor is any cheaper for you?
How about the products you buy? Aren't you sick of getting things that don't last a month and you have to buy extended warranties on them at extra cost because they are inferior and not expected to last? Did your parents have to buy an insurance policy on everything they bought? No. Because back then, things were made with pride in The godd old U.S.A. Do you really think it's cheaper when you have to buy three coffee grinders in one year due to the breakage of cheap plastic from China? What about all the time you spend running back and forth returning merchandise. Is anyone paying you for lost time? Time is money you know. Corporations are destroying this country with greed and the gullible people of America are out there blaming Bush when it's all of Washington to blame. Oh, and I am so sure that your favorite candidate will change all of this if elected.
I once heard a friend say, "My mortgage is $4,000.00. When I make a payment only 500.00 goes to the balance and $3,500.00 goes to interest. I can afford to pay my mortgage, I can't afford the interest.
Personally I'm getting really tired of hearing how American's aren't saving for retirement when they are being nickled and time into the poor house by the system itself. All of this is taking it's toll on America's economy if it is not addressed, we are doomed to failure.
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