Even our enemies treat their veterans with more respect. In Iran, the government gave homes to the veterans of the Iran Iraq war. Certainly our Vets don't go to war in expectation of getting any more than help with their college educations when they get out but we could at least give them the respect they deserve for being on the front lines and taking the bullet so you and I can disagree.
The horrific treatment of our Vets is nothing new. It's been going on for the 35 years since I was discharged and I don't expect it to get any better. Last year, the Disabled American Veterans Of Foreign Wars ran over two million trips back and fourth to and from Veterans hospitals so that the disabled could get to the facilities for treatment. This is out right shameful. Only 3% of Americans respond to the mailing of the DAV for contributions of support that can be as simple as worn out clothing. 100% of donations go directly to the Vets.
Wouldn't it be great if as many people stood in lines to help our disabled veterans as stand in lines for the newest Iphone? Wouldn't it be great if Apple actually donated a percentage of their sales to The Disabled American Veteran's?
You don't have to be rich to donate. Even $1.00 donated by every person that reads this blog will make a huge difference in the live's of many to help them get back on their feet. If you don't have a dollar you can still donate your old clothing to the foundation.
How could it get any easier? If you really feel an urge to help and are retired with some time on your hands, you can also volunteer at the Veteran's hospitals near your home. Be a part of something bigger than yourself and thanks these brave men and women for defending your country. Even if you don't agree with the war.
For more information please go to the Disabled American Veteran's Website at http://www.dav.org. They will even arrange for clothing pick ups right at your door.
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