The difference being that during the Vietnam war we had a draft that shifted the responsibility of "service to your country" around to nearly everyone physically fit for duty. One year with your "boots on the ground" was enough unless you volunteeered to go back. Now, because there is no draft (any politician supporting this would be hammered into early retirement) our heroes are required to three sometimes four tours "In Theater". If it wasn't bad enough to serve one year getting shot at and watching your buddies get blown to bits, now they can do it 3 or 4 times to really let that PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) sink in to the point where you would like to put the barrel of a gun in your mouth jsut to stop the screaming going on in your head.
Of course they are hard at it in Washington to throw more money into the care of these poor souls. That seems to be the answer for everything in Washington. Throw more money at it. How about we throw more man power at the military to reduce the length of time these heroes are exposed to life worse than hell?
Bring back the draft. Induct all those people on the waiting list that are eligible and want to become citizens. Make them learn English and earn there life in America. maybe they would have more respect for the American way of life if they had to fight for it. Our boys overseas could use the help. Our unprotected borders could use the help. We are at a time of war. Like it or not, soemone has to hold the rifle.
This would all be nice if it were possible but this brings us back to the one thing the U.S. Government never planned. The American people are now segregated into too many subcultures to ever stand up for one cause and that includes the defense of the country. Try and reinstate the draft and see how many people run for the hills. The same thing brought down the Roman Empire. No, contrary to popular belief, it wasn't sex orgies that did it. It was the multi cultural infusion that cut away at the fabric of the Roman culture. It seems history always repeats itself because we have no ability to learn by mistakes whether they be our own or by others.
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