I really wish the Democrats would stop crediting Bill Clinton for the prosperous years of the Clinton administration. If you really looked past their propaganda you would recognize the fact that it was the .com boom that created millions of jobs and took anyone with a little internet savy out of their low paying sales jobs. Many were able to create their own websites to generate money than their 9 to 5 and stay at home. Entrepueners were born overnight generating billions in new tax revenue and wages making the economy strong. People that normally would not be able to afford a first time home purchase did so with ease. The fact is, Bill Clinton was no more responsible for the booming 90's economy than Al Gore inventing the internet.
I've also hear how with Bill's administration we were at peace. They also omitt the fact that U.S. interests were attacked 12 times during the Clinton Administration because Bill was too busy playing with cigars and Monica to be bothered to take a stand against US attacks. This lacksidasical attitude emboldened our enemies making them think we didn't have the guts to fight, thus causing 9/11. Bill even had the chance to get Osama and passed. Say what you will and hate the man for whatever reason you can dream up but one thing can't be denied. We have not had an attack on American soil in 7 years and even Osama himself admitted it's beacause Al Queda's resources are stretched too thin fighting in Iraq. What ever makes you think that freedom is free? Freedom has consistantly cost American lives and will continue to do so as long as there are people out there that want to harm us. Obama can talk all he wants about how much money is being spent in Iraq and that the money should be spent here but without
defending the interests of the U.S. there will be no "here". A more experienced statesman would no this and that's what makes him dangerous to the safety of all Americans.
All Bill really accomplished during his administration was to defile the office of the Presidency
and the White House. Another Clinton in the White House? No Thanks.
Now the country is excited to elect a man with no experience as Commander In Cheif of the Armed Forces Of The United States during a time of war? You so hate Bush that you are willing to settle for this? You hate a man that has protected you inspite of the polls and your own ignorance? Not surprising, since the most well known case in history of this sort of hatred was the Crucifiction of Christ.
In Novenber, remember one thing and one thing only... Who would Al Queda want elected?
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